ACS Call Center
Housed within our Houston headquarters, the ACS Call and Data center is the main hub of our operation. Our team of experienced commercial electrical dispatchers are always available to take your request 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Utilizing the ACS owned and internally developed software program, ADS, our dispatchers remain ready to schedule call requests, select the best fit commercial electrical technician, and route calls with precision. This powerful software tool also enables us to pull up all relevant customer data such as: request tracking, previous tech notes, and customer updates.
- Secure Web Site
- Request Tracking
- Customer Validation
- Job Management
- Job Routing to Technician
- Technician daily service call schedule
- Job routing by zone
- Service Call completion and verification
- Call history by customer
- Web enabled customer reports
- Web enabled Technician access
- Web enabled financials by customer
- Ability for customer to add notes to each job
ADS is an ACS owned internally developed, proprietary software. This powerful tool enables our dispatchers to schedule and track service requests while ensuring the work will be done in a timely manner.
ACS employs a Microsoft certified programmer to make updates to our system at our leisure. This allows for on-site editing of the program, as well as any changes needed to accommodate the needs of our clients.
This system also has the capability to integrate with our clients’ dispatching platforms and the capability for note integration to reduce double entry, such as: Service Channel, OfficeTrax, Facility Source (FmPilot), Work Oasis, Verisae and more. This system clearly demonstrates what we work in every day.